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What benefits creditors more? When considering federal court receivership vs. bankruptcy, bankruptcy is often more predictable, but costly.

Filing an involuntary bankruptcy petition is a powerful collection tool, but an involuntary petition can also come with fees and liability.

A composition agreement is an out of court agreement between the debtor and two or more creditors regarding payment arrangements on a debt.

Chapter 15 of the Bankruptcy Code deals with foreign debtors with assets in the United States. It allows for disposition of the property.

When a property owner falls behind on their loans, what are their options to receive loan forgiveness?

Like a professional fee carve-out, secured creditors may also agree to a carve-out for unsecured creditors to appease the court and creditors’ committee.

A stalking horse bidder makes the first bid in an bankruptcy auction, setting the initial price and structure of the sale– but there are some disadvantages.

A distressed exchange offer allows a struggling company to purchase its outstanding debt securities by offering new securities rather than cash.

When is a business turnaround no longer viable? Ask these questions to determine if you or your client’s business can be saved.

Why would a secured creditor prefer to sell its collateral outside of bankruptcy? Here’s how time, money, and control differ in a 363 sale vs Article 9 sale.

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