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About Neil Peretz

Neil Peretz

Neil Peretz has served as general counsel of multiple companies, as well as a corporate CEO, CFO, and COO. Outside of the corporate sphere, he co-founded the Office of Enforcement of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and practiced law with the US Department of Justice and the Securities and Exchange Commission. Peretz holds a JD from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) School of Law, an LLM (master of laws) from Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (where he was a Fulbright Scholar), bachelor’s and master’s degrees from Tufts University, and has been ABD at the George Mason University School of Public Policy. Peretz's most recent technology endeavors are serving as general counsel to Contract Wrangler, which applies attorney-trained artificial intelligence to identify the key business terms in a wide variety of contracts, and co-founder of Proxifile.com a new, hassle-free manner for creditors to stake their claim in bankruptcies.

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Articles by Neil Peretz

The Overlooked (Giant) Asset Class: Executory Contracts In today’s world, one of the most important sources of assets and liabilities for a debtor is its executory contracts. Companies that were once heavy with assets and employees now have a much lighter balance sheet accompanied by many more business agreements enabling (or causing) them to utilize certain assets and services, exercise particular rights and options, and fulfill certain requirements. Financial engineering and more specialized capital markets have turned monolithic companies into asset-light entities reliant on leased space, equipment, and even leased […]
